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Redelimeistri unenägu /
Dream of a ladder master
Redelimeistrid on tähtsad tegelased.
Tänu neile pääseme kohtadesse, kuhu muidu ei ulatuks.
Taani, Senegali ja India teadlased on kindlaks teinud,
et redelimeistrite unenäod on roosakat tooni.
Samad teadlased on kindlaks teinud, et redelimeistrite jaoks on uni sama tähtis
kui kõigi teiste elualade esindajate jaoks.
Ladder masters are important figures.
Thanks to them, we can reach places that we would otherwise not be able to reach.
Researchers from Denmark, Senegal and India have determined
that the dreams of ladder masters are rosy.
The same researchers have determined that sleep is as important for ladder masters
as for representatives of all other walks of life.
55 x 158 cm
1590 EUR
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